🏹 What Successful People Don't Tell You About Success


When you watch a video online of a successful person confidently claiming that their key to success was a 3-hour "morning productivity routine", do you actually believe it?

Do you really think that a cold plunge, followed by an hour of meditation, a 45-minute run, and three green smoothies was the secret to making $100 million in their early 30s?

I can tell you that I know at least 35 people who regularly practice this routine, and they have less than $15,000 in their bank accounts.

If you try this routine, you might feel happy but physically tired, and you won't be 100% focused on your tasks afterwards.

Plus, you'll need to visit the toilet a few times due to the smoothie overconsumption.

Here's the problem:

Successful people usually tell you what they’ve been doing after their major breakthroughs…

They don’t tell you what they did while they were on your level.

The Takeaway

We need to learn from people who are one step ahead of us, not three miles away.

If we learn from wildly successful people, we need to dig into their past and observe their tiny habits and lifestyle while they were on our level.

2 Habits for a More Productive Life

  1. The paradox of productivity. It’s difficult to start a task, but once you start, it’s difficult to stop.

    Let me ask you, when do you have your most productive days?

    Is it when you start working as soon as you wake up, or when you mindlessly scroll your phone for the first hour and then try to do deep work?

    Exactly. One of the best productivity hacks is to delete entertainment.

    Start working early and the people with the 3-hour morning routine will never catch up.

  2. Work HARD < Work on What Matters Most.

    We often waste so much time on things that don’t add much value to our main goal.

    Example: You work as a bartender, your dream is to start your own business, but you don’t have a business idea.

    Have you tried asking 10 friends to tell you what you’re best at?

    Have you tried seeing the top global trends and picking a sub-niche that’s hot at the moment?

    Have you tried a 48 hours business experiment where you invent a minimum viable product (MVP), and experiment by upselling 50 units before launch? Is there any interest at all? Reverse engineer the process.

    Instead, most people work so hard in their 9-5 jobs, they later don’t have the energy to start something on their own.

    Time passes, then they have children, they need more security more than ever, and regret may arise in their later years.

    Do not wait. As my friend Noah Kagan says: “START NOW. NOT HOW. NOW.”

5 Great Quotes

  1. Kintsugi means viewing life’s imperfections as opportunities for growth and transformations.

  2. You’re only as strong as your weakest habits.

  3. Whenever you can’t decide which path to take, pick the one that produces change.

  4. Start with the hardest task first. The later you go in the day, the less willingness you will have to accomplish the hard task. Simply do it first. Even if you get stuck, you will get your way through achieving some progress.

  5. 3-3-3 method. Spend 3 hours of deep work, do 3 urgent tasks for the day, and complete 3 maintenance tasks such as exercise, cleaning, emails etc.


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    Can’t wait to see you next week,

    Maxi | Warrior Newsletter


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