Do This To Make Money While You Sleep:

1 deep thought, 2 life ideas, 5 great quotes, every Thursday

Hey Warrior!

How do you feel when you hear the phrase “Passive Income”?

That magic idea that you can be in the Maldives drinking a Margarita cocktail while your money is effortlessly working for you, forever?

Happy, frustrated, relieved?

Is it a little bit of a mix?

You kind of want to enjoy this lifestyle occasionally, but it’s hard to get there. At least, for most of us.

This is the lifestyle that modern influencers promote before they reveal their secret course that will shift your life in 90 days, for just a humble $5 000, or more… 😂

It seems like thousands of people online enjoy this life, while the majority struggle in a boring office.

I don’t buy this. I am comfortable saying that most of these influencers are full of sh*t.

But here are ideas that actually help people make more money:

Using Smart Leverage.

A business idea or system where you need to put effort in, and then with just a little bit of effort, it can generate revenue for a more free life.

So how do we get there?

If you have $10M dollars, your money invested in an index can make money while you rest…

But what if you have $1000?

Here are 3 ideas for what I call semi-passive-income:

1. Ghostwriting.

*Ghostwriting means writing for other people as if you’re them.

Example: Dakota Robertson. He started a Twitter AI channel, learned how to write and sell ideas, and then as he grew his account to 200K subscribers over 1.5 years of hard effort. Then, executives started hiring him to develop their social profiles. He started charging $7K a month per client, managing 7 clients in total, and outsourcing most of the work by hiring ghostwriters.

Imagine making $49K a month, while paying a total of 10K for people to write it, you make the final edits, and boom. You start generating serious wealth, working 4-hour days.

2. Becoming an author.

If you write a great book, you can sell dozens of copies every day for the rest of your life.

You invest 1000 hours to write the book, and generate income for the next 5000 days, or more…

That’s passive income.

But first, you need to learn how to write, how to sell, and have the right connection for the book launch.

Yes, you need podcaster friends.

3. Creator economy.

You can now make content and get paid for it. You can recycle viral tweets from TikTok reels to YouTube shorts.

You can get paid on X, get sponsorships on a newsletter, get paid to make a video about a business, and so on.

Stop consuming and start producing.

Or, produce more than you consume.

Creators will always be wealthier than consumers.

Which category would you like to be in?

2 Challenging Questions

1. If you had to make $1M dollars in the next 3 years, working 4 hours a day, or else you die, how would you do it? Where do you need to go to be in the right environment? Who can show you how to do it?

2. If you had to form a network of 5 famous people around you in the next year, how would you do it? Where would you go?

(Remember, you can use $ as leverage, knowing the right people is an even better leverage.)

5 Great Quotes

1. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
2. Money can’t buy happiness, but I’d rather cry at 35 000 feet on the way to the Maldives.
3. Better to see something once than to hear about it 1000 times.
4. Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.
5. The people who cause you pain can actually be the same people who introduce you to your power.

Appreciate you warrior.

Keep fighting for a better life.

The best is yet to come.



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