How to Leverage Boredom to Live a Better Life

1 deep dive, 3 life advices from the great, and 5 deep quotes, every Thursday

The Art of Using Boredom for a Better Life

Have you ever felt bored?

Like, deeply bored?

Bored of the the tasks you need to do, the life you need to live at this stage?

Observation of boredom can be powerful because it can make you a bit angry.

Anger is a powerful feeling and fuel for your mind that you can channel to achieve greatness.

Boredom is a powerful feeling you can use to brainstorm great ideas.

Do you have a clear vision for your life?

When was the last time you took 30 minutes to write down your north star, your vision, and things you want to experience to feel truly alive?

Let me ask you, if you only had 3 months left, what would you do TODAY?

If you had to write down 100 things to do before you die, what would be the first 10 that come to mind?

Write them down, now.

Schedule them in your calendar.

Don’t say “I’ll do it one day”. Schedule it now.

Your best moments, strongest feelings, and deepest stories come from those moments.

You can use boredom to brainstorm all the things you’d like to do.

If you close this email and write nothing, I won’t take it personally.

I’ll still love you.

But remember, this means you are saying NO to yourself.

NO to the extraordinary you that’s waiting. Your future self wants the best out of you.

You can become it. All it takes is one decision and commitment to achieve it.

Reply to this email with 3 exciting things you’d like to experience in 2024.

3 Powerful Ideas for a Better Life

Every successful person starts with: 0 revenue 0 subscribers 0 customers 0 fans. And the only difference between them and everyone else is they actually start. “ - Alex Hormozi

5 things I'd tell my younger self before building a business: 1. keep it simple 2. build products for yourself 3. learn copywriting, then do technical SEO 4. don't add a new feature, add a new sales funnel 5. spot the pain points and solve them in a simple way” - Mira, Productivity Hackers

“Psychology says your happiness is tied to your ability to remain unattached to anything.” Billy, Mountain Wisdom.

5 Great Quotes

  1. You don’t become a master when you’re able to retain knowledge. You become a master when you’re able to release it.

  2. Taking no risks will be your biggest risk.

  3. The 14% of people who have goals are 10x more successful than the people without goals - Tim Ferris

  4. The 3% of people who have written goals are 3x more successful than the 14%.

  5. Give your mind an overnight task. Upon closing your eyes, give your mind a job. Example: “How might I make an extra $1K a month?” Don’t try to solve it then. Just release it to your subconscious.

    I believe in your ability to achieve greatness.

    Greatness is coming to us.

    Best wishes,



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