How to Close More Deals

2 minutes that might change your life

A young samurai asked his master how long it would take to achieve mastery.

“10 years,” the master said.

“What if I train day and night, twice as hard?” the samurai asked.

“20 years,” the master replied.

The samurai was confused.

“If you have one eye on the destination, you only have one eye left to find your way.”

I see this every day in business.

The ones obsessed with scaling fast are the ones who stall the hardest.

They chase shortcuts.

They burn out before they ever build something real.

Or as Buffett put it:

“You can’t have a baby in a month by getting 9 women pregnant.”

Great feats take time.

That’s why so few achieve them.

Alex Hormozi’s Belief-Breaking Formula

People question everything—except what they truly believe.

That’s why bad beliefs stick.

And why most people stay stuck.

Sales isn’t about persuasion.

It’s about breaking beliefs that block action.

Here’s the four-step formula that turns hesitation into action:

1. Say the Wrong Belief (From the First Person)

Instead of attacking their belief, own it first.

This disarms them.

“I used to think investing in a personal trainer was a waste of money.”

Now they’re listening.

2. Explain Why It’s Wrong

Show them the cost of their thinking.

“I tried working out on my own, but I kept skipping days and never saw progress.”

No opinion. Just reality.

3. Show the New Belief

Flip the script. Make the right path obvious.

“Then I realised if I had an expert keeping me accountable,
I’d actually train harder, stay consistent, and hit my goals faster.”

Logical. Undeniable.

4. Provide Proof

Facts tell. Stories sell.
This is where you lock in the shift.

“Matt spent years trying to get in shape on his own.
Kept quitting. Kept starting over.
Then he hired a coach. Now he’s in the best shape of his life—
and says it was the cheapest investment he ever made.”

At this point, the belief is broken.

Eventually you’ll realise that it’s better to be disliked for who you are than liked for who you are not. Then everything will change.” Mark Manson

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If you show up, the work feels light,

A little a day and you’ll get it right.

But missing too much will lose your way,

And you’ll wish you worked each day.

Maxi | The Warrior’s Newsletter


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