The Most Effective Ways to Eliminate Self-Doubt:

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How do you feel when you really want to achieve a goal or a dream that you’ve had for so long, but you really don’t feel like you can?

Self-doubt… Is that you? I am going to destroy you, once and forever.

Let’s explore why self-doubt appears and how to overcome it:

Reason 1: People around you limit your own beliefs.

Example: Your family has been making average salaries, they want you to be a good person, graduate school & university and have a secure job, and live a good life.

And when you tell them that you’re planning to change the world, they laugh at you. They think you’re naive. Your friends do not take you seriously for your goals. You feel stuck and alone. BUT you’re not alone. We’re here together, fighting for a better life.

People who sabotage you can create traumas.

When others doubt us, and especially if that is affirmed by a reality-check where we fail once and believe we’re a person “not good at (activity X), that creates a blueprint in our mindsets, changes our identity and forms traumas and limitations.

Traumas can be difficult to overcome…

3 strategies I used to overcome my traumas were 1. Exercise, 2. Meditation & Breathwork, 3. Hypnosis audio sessions. But that deserves another article, let’s go to reason 2 and then explore how to overcome self-doubt.

Reason 2: You’ve never achieved the goal (yet).

Self-belief usually comes from experience.

Imagine Elon Musk making $1M dollars. EASY, right? He probably makes that in 20 minutes. He has done it, he has a reason to believe in himself.

But if your annual salary is $30K/year, or you’re unemployed, how are you supposed to believe that you can suddenly make 30x more?

Short answer: You’re not.

If you make $30K a year, your current version of yourself is not supposed to believe that they can get to $1M / year.

That’s why we need to change your entire perception of yourself, and step into the shoes of a person who confidently knows that this goal is easily possible.

Let’s explore how below.

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The roadmap to overcoming self doubt:

1. Mindset & Identity Shifts through consistent action

The easiest way to shift your mindset is to take action and ask smart questions:

What would it take for me to achieve my goal? What would it take to meet the right supportive people who can help me not doubt myself anymore? What would it take to meet a mentor who can guide me through the journey of becoming my best self?…

Reflect on what’s stopping you to become the version of yourself who can achieve the desired outcome. If it’s a trauma, how can you heal it? If it’s inexperience, where can you get more experience? If it’s behaviour, such as lack of motivation or taking the wrong actions, how would you change them?

If you don’t feel motivated, would you like to live a mediocre life forever?

Imagine all the people who doubted you, how happy they would be if you didn’t succeed.

Do you want to let that happen? NO.

Now, do you feel more motivated? HELL YES.

Take consistent steps. Every day.

If you often say negative words about yourself, here’s a rule: For every negative word you say about yourself, say something positive about yourself.

Volume beats intensity over time every time. Take an extraordinary amount of ordinary actions for an unordinary amount of time, and you’ll achieve exceptional results in life.

2. Learning from Success Stories

Learn how people ahead of you achieved it. There are principles that overlap.

For example, many successful founders are great salespeople, many successful CEOs are extraordinary at communication.

Once you pick a goal, eliminate self-doubt by gradually learning how others achieved it. If it’s been done thousands of times, it can be done again.

Expose yourself to information of success stories and you can be the next success story.

3. Change your Environment.

Where can you find and surround yourself around people who already have achieved your desired goal?

Case Study: Desire to become Rich

If you want to make more $, what would it take for you to find and become friends with 1 rich person, who can later introduce you to 3 more, who 3 months later, can introduce you to 3 more rich people?

If you achieve this, you’ll be around 10 rich people by the end of the following year, and the frequent activity of being around these people will slowly help you believe wealth is possible. Self-doubt will start to vanish.

You will start to notice they’re not any better than you, they just know the right people, they have tapped into a niche that works for them, and they believe abundance is possible.

Examples of places where rich people meet: Luxury hotels and resorts, high-end restaurants, exclusive sport events, wellness retreats, charity galas.

Now, be creative. If you’re not rich, can you go to a cafe in the hotel that costs $1000 a night? No. How about drink a coffee there for $10? Yes.

Can you meet a rich person in the lobby? Absolutely possible. BE PROACTIVE. Do you doubt yourself, yes? GREAT, do it anyway.

Continuous experience and regular practise upgrades your identity and over time will eliminate self-doubt.

SHOW UP. Again. And again. And again.

Can you afford a really high-end restaurant? Maybe not. Can you work as a waiter there and meet rich people, and connect closely with a few of them? Absolutely. How do you prepare? Go and study books on communication that will help you form genuine connections, such as “How to win friends and influence people” by Daniel Carnegy.

Take the first step. All you need is good attitude, willingness to take action and a good offer. Have a short transformational story that can touch people’s hearts, opening yourself to another person is a shortcut to building a strong connection.

You can do it Warrior, I believe in you.

See you next week,

Maxi | Warrior Newsletter


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