How I Cured My Anxiety; Productivity Hacks & Overcoming Panic Attacks

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Why Anxiety and Panic Attacks Sabotage Our Productivity:

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety decreases our productivity by 36%.

Research by the ADAA indicates that 44% of employees with panic attacks report severe work disruptions, leading to individual and team drops of productivity.

Have you ever experienced either of these? Reply to this email, let's discuss mutual strategies and combat these issues together.

How I Cured My Anxiety:

When I'm anxious, it's because I'm not making progress.

I'm not making progress because I lack clarity.

I lack clarity because I haven't taken the time to self-reflect on the priority goal, and whether I'm actually heading where I want to be in life.

The antidote to my anxiety is a clear vision, a hierarchy of goals, and daily progress toward the short-term task and long-term life I want to live.

Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be and the anxiety will disappear.

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How I Cured My Panic Attacks:

When I have panic attack, it was because I lost control over my breath. 

Why? Because I hadn’t learned to manage my breathing. Panic thrives on shallow, rapid breaths—feeding the cycle of fear. But when I learned how to breathe deeply  from my diaphragm instead of my chest, the panic attacks disappeared.

Deep, intentional breathing brought me back to the present, grounding my body and calming my mind.

The antidote to my panic attacks was simple: master my breath. By consciously slowing down and deepening my breaths, I could interrupt the cycle of panic before it spiraled out of control.

With breathwork, I regained control. I learned that peace is just a breath away. 

Every time I felt panic rising, I returned to my breath, closed the gap between fear and calm, and the panic melted away. Breath by breath, I found my way back to balance.

3 Productivity Hacks

  1. “Preparing to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Scheduling time to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Making a to-do list for the thing isn't the thing. Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn't doing the thing. Hating on people who have done the thing isn't doing the thing. Fantasising about the admiration you'll receive after doing the thing isn't doing the thing. The only thing that is "doing the thing" is doing the thing.” Chris Williamson

  2. Unpopular Opinion: Morning routines suck for productivity. The best way to get shit done is to start working when you wake up before you have a chance to think about it.

  3. The best way to improve productivity is to improve your body. Lift weights. Walk 10k steps a day. Get adequate sleep. Eat a nutrient dense diet. You'll be surprised at how much energy, focus & clarity this creates in your work day.

    You've got this, warrior! Remember, we're not just fighting alongside you, we're fighting for our bright futures together.

    The sun will shine on us soon.

    I'm eagerly anticipating our reunion next week.

    Maxi | Warrior Newsletter


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