5 ways to become a better salesman in 5 minutes.

Lessons by Zig Ziglar.

How can you become a better salesman in 5 minutes?

If you’re a salesman, you may be familiar with some of those legendary Zig Ziglar pieces of advice.

If you’re not a salesman, you are? Yes, you are a salesman as well. Every day, you sell an idea to a person around you.

5 Ways to Sell More

1. Develop credibility in the eyes of the customer - The customer must trust that you have their best interests at heart and that you’re not trying to take advantage of them. Establish credibility by helping others find success.

2. Develop empathy for your customer. Empathy is understanding how someone else feels (even if you don’t currently share that feeling) and then taking steps to help the person deal with that feeling. Empathy also helps you create a better pitch because, by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes, you can gear your presentation to their specific needs, thereby increasing your chances of success.

3. You must enter a selling situation with the expectation that it will go well. When you have faith in your chances and abilities and approach the lead with a positive attitude, you greatly increase the chance of a sale. Avoid allowing negative, defensive, or combative thoughts or behaviours to seep into your sale.

4. Maximise your effectiveness as a salesperson, always seek opportunities to grow and acquire new knowledge that makes you better at your job.

5. Sell the Benefits, not just the product. Think about how Apple did it with the iPod - They advertised it as “1000 songs in your pocket”, not a device with 5GB storage.

2 Advices From Other People

  1. The simpler the language, the more you sell. If you're selling consulting, don't tell me you "create impactful bottom line solutions to business problems." Tell me you "help small businesses explode their sales." - Codie Sanchez

  2. If you are gonna sell info, don’t think “seconds of value” think “value per second.” It’s not about the total value. It’s about the value density. The number one thing people don’t need is more. They want better.” - Alex Hormozi

5 Great Quotes

“Don’t go broke trying to impress broke people".”

“Sometimes, the things that break your heart help fix your vision.”

“Be selfish with your time. A lot of people don’t deserve it.”

“Stop telling people everything. Most don’t care, and some want you to fail.”

“No one is going to figure out your life. It’s your responsibility.”

Remember, you’re not alone on your journey to greatness.

I believe in you. Together, warriors are strong.

Stay strong. See you next Thursday. 👊



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