đź”± 30 Years of Sales Knowledge; 2 Productivity Hacks and 5 Harsh Truths

Sales lessons from Simon Squib; Productivity Hacks by Maxi

1 Deep Idea - How To Be A Wealthy Salesman, Long-Term.

Lessons from Simon Squib, 30 years in the sales industry.
  1. The art of ethical selling. Mastering authenticity and honesty. There are countless online NLP sales courses that will teach you how to trick people into buying a product. But they'll hate you after for selling them something they didn't need. The quicker you rise, the quicker you fall.

    It’s much smarter to have fewer people buy from you but genuinely like you, recommend you, and refer you to others for free. This approach builds authority in your space and gradually transforms you into a leader in your industry.

    Example: Imagine you go to buy a car at Toyota, but after describing all of your needs, the salesperson recommends that you buy a Tesla or a BMW instead. Surprising, right? Not many people would do that.

    You didn’t instantly generate money for them, but the salesperson earned enormous respect through honesty. You exchanged contacts, and later you can collaborate in different areas of life. You suddenly feel a sense of trust in that person.

    Imagine if the salespeople at BMW heard about that. While not always true, it can sometimes create a ripple effect, leading them to recommend the other brand if that’s what the customer truly needs.

  2. Whatever you sell, you should be able to overdeliver. How do you overdeliver? Make sure that what you sell is something you genuinely believe in. Do not sell something that you think isn’t worthwhile.

  3. Embrace your own style. Many people believe that only extroverts can sell, but this is not true.

    Introverts can become just as successful in sales. No flashy gimmicks, no tricky wordplay—just simple, respectful, direct communication about what is and isn't possible.

    Most of the time, the best salespeople are those who don’t even realise they’re selling. They’re just sharing information and knowledge, proud of their product or service, and that alone leads to a sale.

2 Habits for a More Productive Life

  1. The Daily Adventure

    One crucial task each day, every day. How can you turn it into a daily adventure instead of a boring “must do”?

    How can you shift the perspective from “Have to” to “Get to”?

    If it’s research, could you have a fun voice conversation on your phone with ChatGPT to explore the topic better?

    Wouldn’t it be fun to challenge ChatGPT to debate with you, helping you uncover points of view you might have missed in your agenda, research plan, or structure?

    Could you play some fun classical music on your headphones or tracks from the legendary "Interstellar" movie to make the task more enjoyable?

  2. The 5-Minute Rule

    If you really don’t want to do a task on a particular day, just do it for 5 minutes. Set a timer for 5 minutes and start immediately.

    Then, feel free to stop and rest, make a coffee, go for a walk, etc.

    The interesting part of this exercise is that, more often than not, you’ll continue working on the task for much longer.

    It’s hard to start a task, but once you start, it’s hard to stop.

5 Great Quotes

  1. It takes almost the same amount of energy to shame yourself, as it does to shift yourself. - Jay Shetty

  1. Happiness is the real rich. Health is the real wealth. Kindness is the real cool. Peace of mind is the real bag.

  2. Strong people connect by building. Mediocre people connect by following. Weak people connect by complaining. - Mark Manson

  3. Success doesn’t come from doing 100 things at once.

  4. The best salespeople aren't just born with the perfect skills - they're driven by fierce competition and a refusal to be anything less than great. This relentless drive pushes them to master advanced techniques and stay ahead. If you're not competitive, you're already falling behind.



    The darkness won’t last. Victory is on the horizon.

    I can’t wait to see you next week. Let’s crush it!

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