3 Easy Practises To Save 1 Hour a Day:

Morning Warrior!

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the amount of tasks that you need to get done?

We have about 16 hours daily, and the day passes so quickly, you might feel like you need to make changes to live to your fullest potential.

Here are 3 Practises I Use to Save 1 Hour a Day:

  1. Combine learning with monotonous tasks. Example: If I am too busy to sit down and read a book, I listen to an audio version while walking or driving. I can consume 1 hour worth of “reading” without spending an extra one hour to read.

  1. Plan your top 1-3 tasks for tomorrow, the day before. CRUCIAL. Do not allow yourself to spend a portion of your morning wondering what to do today. Simply write it down from the day before.

    Example 2: You have tons of tasks to do, but you feel anxious and not sure which one to execute first, and the overthinking loses you even more time.

    What’s the solution?

    The Eisenhower matrix helps here: What’s the most urgent and important? What’s the most urgent? What’s the most important? Execute in that order, and eliminate or outsource everything else.

    By the way, there’s no need to have 21 tasks in your to-do list. Limit them to 3 daily. Execute them like a world-class performer.

  1. Start working on your most important task as soon as you wake up. Hygiene, hydration, caffeine (optional), and then start working on the task asap. Seriously, the latest studies by Flow Research Collective show that you have the highest chance of achieving flow, a state of mind where tasks feel effortless and your performance is at its highest, straight after you wake up.

Learn AI in 5 Minutes a Day

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2 Life Thoughts

  1. 70/20/10 Rule: What’s the number 1 factor that influences your creative success? Volume produced. Example: 70% of your work will be mediocre, 20% will be OK, 10% will be extraordinary. If you’re avoiding failure, you’re avoiding success.

  2. Shinrin-Yoku: Spend at least one hour weekly in a forest, park, or anywhere in nature. Remember where we came from, our ancestors used to spend hours in nature, every day. Prioritise your well-being warrior.

5 Great Quotes

  1. If you need people to root for you to win, you’ve already lost.

  2. “You can never cross an ocean until you dare to lose sight of the shore.” Boyka

  3. “Saying no frees you up to say yes when it matters most.” Katy Hristova

  4. “Sometimes you have to like your goals more than you like your friends.” - Alex Hormozi

  5. God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.

Warrior, you will make it, keep going.

Never stop, the pain today will be the reason why people call you wise 5 years from now.

It will be the reason people ask you how you have achieved such an unwavering state of peace.

They can never imagine the suffering you went through in your toughest moments.

I can’t wait to see you next Thursday.

Best wishes,



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