How to 2X Your Reading Speed in 3 Days:

Learn it in 5 Minutes, Practise for 15 Minutes a Day and Save 30-60 Minutes Daily:

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Hey Warrior!

Have you ever wanted to read a book in 2 hours? To be perceived as smarter than you are?

To get through boring tasks way faster than anyone would expect you to?

Today, we’re going to explore smart strategies on how to double our reading speed.

We read more than we think. Think about reading the posts on social media, replying to our friends’ texts or even reading this newsletter. We do it all the time.

Here are my 3 top tactics:

1. High interval training for readers. Welcome to the gym for your eyes and brain. Here’s the exercise:

The 3X (3:2:1) Technique:

Take a timer (ex. your phone’s app), open a book or a long article, set a timer for 3 minutes, and read. How many pages did you read? Some might read half a page, others 3 pages, others 10 pages! The average person would read 1.5-2 pages.

Then, go back to where you started, and read it again, but in 2 minutes. It’ll be slightly challenging but achievable.

Then, go back to where you began, and read it again, in 1 minute. You can do it!

Repeat this exercise 2-3 times a day. Each repetition takes about 6-7 minutes in total, if you do it 3 times - 20 minutes a day.

Practise this for 3-7 days every day, and this exercise alone might double your reading speed.

2. Read with a pencil. Super simple. Take a pen / pencil and use it as a pointer, this alone instantly increases your reading speed by 50% or more. Why? Because your eyes can get lazy when they have to focus on the sentences. Using a pencil is like summoning a leader, someone who helps you read faster and applying less effort.

3. Subvocalisation. This is a HUGE one. The hardest to learn, the easiest to forget, but this technique can 5X your reading speed.

Here’s the thing: If you pronounce every word that you read, you can only read with the speed of your speech. For the average person, that’s 150 words a minute, which is ½ page. If you’re quicker, maybe 1 page per minute.

The trick is, you don’t have to vocalise each word to read and comprehend it.

So how do you do it? First, you need to remove the habit of subvocalising what you read.

How? Use a word and repeat it like a mantra while you read. For example use the word “Wise.” Repeat wise while you do your High interval trainings.

You might find it hard at first, and not being able to focus and understand what you’re reading, but if you practise this every day for 10-20 minutes, in a few weeks you’ll grasp its power. I believe in you.

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5 great quotes

1. Salespeople are paid so well because they’re willing to deal with rejection. They’re able to get socially punched in the face a hundred times a day and still come back for more with a smile. - Alex Hormozi
2. Most people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 75. Shoot the shot.
3. Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.
4. The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.
5. Your greatness is not what you have, but what you give.

Warrior, we’re going to make it together.

What’s been 1 thing you’re aiming to achieve in 2024, and 1 challenge you’ve had on the way? Reply to this email.

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Best wishes,

Maxi | Warrior Newsletter


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