The 1 Proven Strategy To Go Viral

Warrior Newsletter - 1 deep thought, 2 life ideas, and 5 great quotes every Thursday

Hey warrior!

On Tuesday, I had my first ever, truly viral post - 11M views, and 131K likes.

Shout out to my team at MindTutorial and Productivity Hackers for making this possible.

That’s why I wanted to give you some of the secret sauce behind the writing part.

How do you write a post that has the potential to get to 11M views?

Let’s dive into 4 key factors:

1. Simplicity - You need the headline and first sentences to be incredibly easy to understand, 5th-grade level of writing. Imagine your Italian friend who has 500 English words in his vocabulary. Will he understand your post? If not, remake it.
2. Familiarity - People need to be able to relate to the post. If you write about ice baths, many people don’t like them and wouldn’t relate, hence the ice baths posts tend not to go as viral as a post about staying humble, and keeping a private life.

3. Contrarian style of writing - If the statement in the first post of your thread triggers some people into a discussion, that creates an amplifying effect of the post, as more people engage.

In my viral post, I said that you spend 8 hours a day working, and I had over 2K people reposting, saying that they work more plus the post doesn’t count the travelling time to work and back.

That sparks a conversation and helps the post to go viral.

4. Numbers - The more often you use numbers in the headline, text etc, the better.

Especially if you make it simple too.

Numbers get more attention from people and make them keep reading. For example:

“How to be more productive” is a worse headline compared to “7 ways to be more productive.”

2 Ideas for a better life.


“We made a post asking for video editors and had over 1200 people apply… We asked them to all edit the same clip to see who was good. 60 of them did it. That’s 5%. People are looking for the secret but won’t even show up. What they fail to see is showing up is the secret.” - Alex Hormozi

2. Never forget who helped you in the beginning.

“The day a blind man sees, the first thing he throws away is the blind stick that has helped him all his life.”

5 Great Quotes

1. “Discipline is your shortcut for success.” @Copywriting_Dad

2. “Some people die at 25 and aren’t born until 75.” - Benjamin Franklin

3. “ Life humbles you. As you grow old, you stop chasing the big things and start valuing the little things.

Alone time, enough sleep, a good diet, long walks, and quality time with loved ones.” @MasculineMind_

4. “You become unstoppable when you work on things people can’t take away from you. Things like your mindset, character and personality.” Grok

5. “ The past is for learning. The present is for living. The future is for growing.” Unknown

I appreciate you, warrior.

The journey is challenging, the winds are strong, but that’s what makes us spartans.

Alone, we’re strong. Together, we’re unstoppable.

Best wishes,



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